Can the product be shipped to a pickup location?

Yes, it is possible to ship the product to a pickup location. When placing your order, please enter the pickup location as the delivery address and include a note specifying where you would like to pick up. Here is a list of available courier companies for pickup:

  • USA:

    • Ship from factory: FedEx/UPS

    • In-stock dolls: UPS

  • Canada:

    • Ship from factory: UPS/Canada Post

    • In-stock dolls: FedEx/Canada Post

  • EU:

    • Ship from factory: UPS/DHL

    • In-stock dolls: GLS/DHL

  • Australia:

    • Ship from factory: Top Logistics/Canada Post

    • In-stock dolls: Au post/Au Allied/Toll
  • UK:

    • Ship from factory: UPS/DPD/Royal Mail

    • In-stock dolls: DHL (Under 30kg)

Please note, pickup requires you to be at least 21 years old and present a valid personal ID. 

We do not offer refunds for issues caused by personal reasons, such as picking up too late or your order being taken by someone else.

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